openwrt — PyCI OpenWRT Module

class ConfigFileOpenWRT(filepath=None)

Class for accessing/saving config files in /etc/config. When initialized with a filepath this class will contain a list of OpenWRTConfig objects representing the contents of filepath.

Returns an empty list/dict object in the event we’re working with an empty or non-existant file.
option_datatype(section, option, validation_file=None)
Returns the datatype value for a given option in a given section. Will be one of: uint, string, host, device, boolean, file, ip4addr, ip6addr, port, directory, integer, macaddr, hostname
Reads self.filepath and returns a list of OpenWRTConfig objects representing the file.

Saves the config file

The standard OpenWRT config file format is like so: config section option <tab>option someoption someoption ... <tab>option someoption someoption ...

Saves the raw (plaintext) version of the config file using ‘text’. This overrides the default save_raw function in order to provide validation.
valid_options(section, option, validation_file=None)
Return a list of valid values for any given option contained within ‘section’ of ‘validation_file’. If no validation_file is provided, this method will look for a matching file in <PyCI dir>/metadata/
Validates the current configs against the definitions specified in the given validation file. Returns None if everything validates and raises a ValidationException if there’s a problem. If no validation file is given it tries to be smart about it by looking in <PyCI dir>/metadata for a file that matches the filename in self.filepath.
validate_option(section, option, value, validation_file=None)
Checks if the given section[option] is valid based on the rules specified in validation_file. If no validation_file is given it will use the default (<PyCI dir>/metadata/<config file name>). Returns None if the option is valid. Returns a detailed error message if invalid.
Returns a ordered dictionary of values representing the required options, dependencies, and such from a given validation object (read_config_file(validation_file) of a file in <PyCI dir>/metadata/.
Returns a validation object by reading ‘validation_file’ using self.read_config_file.
class OpenWRTConfig(config, options, list_items=[])

Class to store config sections from /etc/config/* files.

OpenWRTConfig object parameters can be accessed as a dictionary...
>>> config = ConfigFileOpenWRT(filepath='/etc/config/network')
>>> test = config.configs() # test is an OpenWRTConfig object
>>> print test[0]['config']
interface lan
...or directly as attributes:
>>> print test[0].config
interface lan
Parameters can be set the same way:
>>> test[0]['config'] = 'rule'
>>> test[0].config = 'rule'
Returns our parameters as a list

Returns the config file in dependency/validation file format which means... No quotes for 2nd field (option/list_item). No quotes for config (variable, section, or package).

config package
option title ‘Network configuration’
config section
option named ‘true’ option required ‘true’ option name ‘interface’ option package ‘network’ option title ‘Network interface’ list depends ‘proto=none’
class ValidationDependency(option_requirement, required_option)
Class to store ‘list depends whatever=foo, bar’ objects from luci-style validation files
class ValidationEnumerator(variable, value, title)
Class to store enumerators from a luci-style validation file
class ValidationSection(name, named=False, required=False, title=None, package=None, depends=[], variables=[])
Class to store the various requirements and variables that are associated with any given ‘section’ in a luci-style validation file
class ValidationVariable(name, section, title=None, variable_type=None, required=False, depends=[], valueof=None)
Class to store various requirements associated with any given ‘variable’ in a luci-style validation file.
fw_optional(option_dict, option)
Returns the value of ‘option’ in option_dict if ‘option’ is actually present. Returns None if ‘option’ isn’t in the dict.
fw_redirect(firewall_conf_rule, rules_output=False)
This is a python port of the fw_redirect function inside OpenWRT’s script. The purpose is to output an equivalent iptables command line from a standard UCI firewall config section. It takes a single ‘rule’ section from a ConfigFileOpenWRT object, ‘firewall_conf_rule’ as the only argument and sources it to return a list of one or two (if proto==’tcpudp’) Rule() objects which can be used to generate the iptables lines. if ‘rules_output’ is True, return Rule() objects instead of just strings.
fw_rule(firewall_conf_rule, rules_output=False)
This is a python port of the fw_rule function inside OpenWRT’s script. The purpose is to output an equivalent iptables command line from a standard UCI firewall config section. It takes a single ‘rule’ section from a ConfigFileOpenWRT object, ‘firewall_conf_rule’ as the only argument and sources it to return a list of one or two (if proto==’tcpudp’) Rule() objects which can be used to generate the iptables lines. if ‘rules_output’ is True, return Rule() objects instead of just strings.
Returns a list of one or two Rule() objects from the given keyword arguments. If proto==’tcp’ or proto==’udp’, return one Rule(). if proto==’tcpudp’, return two Rule() objects (one for each of ‘tcp’ and ‘udp’). If proto==None, return one Rule() based on the given keyword arguments.
Takes a list of items and returns a string with each list item surrounded by single quotes (for UCI stuff)