configfile — PyCI Base Configuration File Module

class ConfigFile(filepath)

Base class for all ConfigFile* objects containing many useful methods.

Deletes any leftover backup files and removes the emergency init script
Writes a ‘1’ to ‘/tmp/pyci_changes’ to indicate that changes have been made that require a reboot
Makes a backup file in case we need to undo
Generates and installs an init script that will undo changes in case of a power failure or crash. Plugin authors can optionally supply their own script (as a string).
Returns the raw text in the config file
Your ConfigFile object will need to override this in it’s own save method
save_delimited(fields_list, filepath, delimiter)

Saves ‘fields_list’ (list of lists or tuples) as a delimited file using the given delimiter.

For example, to save /etc/passwd using this method you could:
self.save_delimited(passwd_list, ‘/etc/passwd’, ‘:’)
Saves the raw (plaintext) version of the config file using ‘text’
Undoes any changes to ‘filepath’ by moving the backup back to the original location

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