auth — PyCI Authentication and Authorization Module

Returns True if all of the conditions match
Returns True if any of the conditions match
check_auth(*args, **kwargs)
A tool that looks in config for ‘auth.require’. If found and it is not None, a login is required and the entry is evaluated as a list of conditions that the user must fulfill
check_credentials(user, password)
Checks a given user and password against /etc/shadow (or /etc/passwd if /etc/shadow doesn’t exist). Returns None on success and an error message on failure.
check_group_membership(username, group)
Checks whether or not user is a member of ‘group’ (using /etc/passwd and /etc/group) Returns True if the user is in the group. False if not.
check_permission(user, permission, plugin)
Returns true if the given user has the given permission to the given plugin
Returns a list of groups the user belongs to (including their primary group)
Decorator that returns True if the user has been granted read permissions to the given plugin
Decorator that returns True if the user has been granted write permissions to the given plugin
A decorator that appends conditions to the auth.require config variable.

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