pyci_settings — Plugin for managing PyCI Settings

class PyCISettings

A plugin for managing PyCI’s configuration.

Render the preferences configuration page
Render a page where the user can enable or disable plugins.
Render the user permissions configuration page
Render a page where the user can configure the PyCI webserver.
change_user_permission(user, plugin, permission)
Updates the permissions table with the data from users_json. This is just here to expose the function in case someone wants to use it as an API
Exports the user permissions table as a spreadsheet
Exports the list of enabled/disabled plugins as a spreadsheet
Exports the user permissions table as a spreadsheet
group_permissions_json(rows=None, sidx=None, _search=None, searchField=None, searchOper=None, searchString=None, page=None, sord=None, nd=None)
Returns all group permissions from the permissions table in pyci.db
Return the index page
plugin_management_json(rows=None, sidx=None, _search=None, searchField=None, searchOper=None, searchString=None, page=None, sord=None, nd=None)
Returns all plugins in plugins_enabled and plugins_disabled in a json format that’s compatible with jqGrid.
pyci_settings_json(rows=None, sidx=None, _search=None, searchField=None, searchOper=None, searchString=None, page=None, sord=None, nd=None)
Returns the editable CherryPy settings from cherrypy.conf in a json format that jqGrid likes.
Saves the user’s language preference in the PyCI DB and changes the current LANG environment variable
update_group_permissions(oper=None, id=None, permission=None, group=None, plugin=None)
Updates the permissions table with the provided operation and data...
update_plugins(plugin=None, enable=None, disable=None, **kwargs)
Enables or disables a given plugin (meant to be used by a context menu in jqGrid)
update_pyci_settings(Option=None, Value=None, **kwargs)
Enables or disables a given plugin (meant to be used by a context menu in jqGrid)
update_user_permissions(oper=None, id=None, permission=None, user=None, plugin=None)
Updates the permissions table with the provided operation and data...
user_permissions_json(rows=None, sidx=None, _search=None, searchField=None, searchOper=None, searchString=None, page=None, sord=None, nd=None)
Returns all user permissions from the permissions table in pyci.db
Returns the language setting in the PyCI DB (if there is one)
Sets a user’s language preference.