AirOS V Firmware Revision History * Bullet M2 * Bullet M5 * Rocket M2 * Rocket M5 * NanoStation M2 * NanoStation M5 ==================================================================== Version 5.0.2 - SERVICE release (October 23, 2009) ------------------------------------------------ - Fixed Chain 1 association problem in 802.11a mode - Fixed Compliance test channels in 5 MHz step instead of 20 MHz - Added VLAN support in Ethernet driver Version 5.0.2-RC6 (October 17,2009) ------------------------------------- - Final Ethernet lockup fix Version 5.0.5-RC5 (September 26, 2009) ------------------------------------- - Uboot fix Version 5.0.2-RC4 (September 25, 2009) -------------------------------------- - Increased Reset to Defaults/Rescue mode timing (triggered from POE and Reset button) - Added ability to disable reset to default function (from PoE and Reset button) in config Version 5.0.2-RC3 (September 23, 2009) -------------------------------------- - Ethernet lockup fix - Fixed SNMP agent to report correct values Version 5.0.2-RC2 (September 18, 2009) -------------------------------------- - Fixed web UI slow responses (aka web server loop) on Windows7/IE8 version: 8.0.7057.0 - Fixed PPPoE reconnection issue - Fixed PPPoE client DNS server issue - Fixed LAN interface disabling - Use device name as Web UI Authentication Realm name (allows to use Google Chrome) - Show FW version on Main page - PPPoE client can't authenticate if in username symbol # is used - Fixed connection on low signals: noise immunity is switched off by default. Added ability to change noise immunity on/off in config (not available on UI) - Fixed AirMax lockup - DHCP server doesn't work if DNS proxy is disabled Version 5.0.2-RC1 (August 31, 2009) ------------------------------------ - Added Compliance test country code - Added information text in survey window - Fixed Memory leak when scanning - Fixed selected channels scanning - Fixed WPA/WPA2 association to AP with hidden ESSID on passive scan channels - Fixed Product Logo displaying if no logo image for device - Fixed firmware version reporting - Fixed Rate control algorithm is too aggressive in noisy conditions - Fixed AirMax AP lock after some time - Fixed combined signal report in align antenna tool for 2 chains devices - Fixed hangup issue in router mode with firewall enabled (aka ethernet/iptables fix) - Fixed scan results for more than 14 stations issue - Fixed AMC values for 1x1 device should not show more than 50% - Fixed connected stations reporting for more than 22 stations issue Version 5.0 (June 16, 2009 RELEASE) ----------------------------------- - New UI design - New: AirMax functionality - New: 5/10/20/40 MHz channel width support - Improvement: CCQ formula