Speed Test Client Documentation

The PyCI speed test client works in conjunction with the speed test server which can be started by visiting the “/Utilities/SpeedTest” page. It works by sending as many randomly-generated packets as possible to the client and measures the time it takes every 100 packets to reach their destination.

Running a Speed Test

To start a speed test simply visit the /Utilities/SpeedTest page in your web browser. You should see something like this:


When you start the speed test server a dialog will pop up monitoring your client’s current bandwidth:


Next you need to start the speed test client. You can use the GUI or, if you have Python installed, use the command-line version.

Using the GUI

When you open the Speed Test Client GUI you’ll see a basic window where you can enter the hostname or IP address of the Speed Test Server. Once connected the two will communicate, using up as much bandwidth as possible and give you a real-time status view:


Using speedtester.py on the command line

When you run the Speed Test Client GUI it is actually importing speedtester.py as a module to perform the test. speedtester.py is a Python module that can be executed like any command line program. If run with no command line switches it will display help:

Error:  At a minimum you must supply '-c <host>' (client mode connecting to <host>) or '-s <address>' (server mode)
Usage: speedtester.py [options]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c <host>, --client=<host>
                        Run in client mode connecting to the given host.
-s <address>, --server=<address>
                        Run in server mode listening on the given address.
                        Use '' to listen on all addresses.

Using speedtester.py to run a speed test server

The help above should be self-explanatory but here’s an example nonetheless:

$ ./speedtester.py -s
SpeedTestServer now listening for a connection...

Using speedtester.py to run a speed test server

The help above should be self-explanatory but here’s an example nonetheless:

$ ./speedtester.py -c